infant at Vincennes, parc zoologique de Paris
contactcalls by infant
sonagram of snd L7_6a
contactcalls by mother
sonagram of snd L7_6b
distant communication calls, probably territorial
sonagram of snd 12_1
contact-rejection calls, moderate degree of excitation recorded at Brunoy, Paris, Aug 1970
sonagram of snd 49_3a
contact-rejection calls, more excitated and more grunt-like recorded at Brunoy, Paris, Aug 1970
sonagram of snd 49_3c
contact-rejection calls, very aggressive and eager to attack recorded at Brunoy, Paris, Aug 1970
sonagram of snd 49_1
distress calls recorded at Maroantsetra 1969
sonagram of snd 35_1a
high-pitched plaintive calls, meaning unknown recorded at Maroantsetra 1969
sonagram of snd 35_5a