subspecies occidentalis, griseus and alaotrensis
at Duke
at Andasibe
at Maroantsetra
in Mananara
in zoo of Timbazaza, Antananarivo
purring of pleisure (contact calls) being stroked recorded at Brunoy, Paris, Aug 1970
sonagram of snd 48.1
grunting of pleisure (contact calls) recorded at Brunoy, Paris, Jan 1966
sonagram of snd 20.2a
contact calls (purring) of young, after being refound by mother, being touched and groomed recorded at Brunoy, Paris
sonagram of snd 3.6
contact calls, purring and 'gree' while being groomed recorded at Brunoy, Paris
sonagram of snd 3.5
strong contact(-seeking) calls of young recorded at Brunoy, Paris
sonagram of snd 4.4
contact(-seeking) calls of young recorded at Brunoy, Paris, Sep 1969
sonagram of snd 38.5
contact-seeking calls of young followed by mother which is angry when she refinds young recorded at Brunoy, Paris
sonagram of snd 333
detail of sonagram of snd 333
cohesive calls, rare (distant communication) recorded at Brunoy, Paris, Aug 1970
sonagram of snd 48.17
cohesive calls, common (distant communication) recorded at Brunoy, Paris, Aug 1970
sonagram of snd 48.8
mating calls, beginning of sequence of estrus call (distant communication) recorded at Brunoy, Paris
sonagram of snd 3.10c
mating call, estrus call (sexual)(distant communication) recorded at Brunoy, Paris
sonagram of snd 3.11
alarm calls, intensity low ('gree, iac iac iac') recorded at Brunoy, Paris
sonagram of snd 3.4c
alarm calls, intensity moderate ('co-dot , rou-fou') recorded at Brunoy, Paris, May 1968
sonagram of snd 33.4a
alarm calls, intensity moderate ('pou-out') recorded at Brunoy, Paris, Aug 1970
sonagram of snd 48.23
sonagram of snd 3.12
alarm calls, intensity strong ('croeee') recorded at Brunoy, Paris, Sep 1969
sonagram of snd 38.6a
weak alarm calls after being disturbed recorded at Brunoy, Paris, Aug 1970
sonagram of snd 48.6
sonagram of above sound