at Berenty, in Didieracea
at Berenty, group sunning
at Berenty
at Berenty, albino baby
at Berenty, mother and young
at Berenty, with Earthwatch troop
at Berenty, mother and kid
at Berenty, leaping
at Berenty, in Eucalyptus
at Berenty, kid hanging on branch
Malagasian stamp
locomotion of group
territorial call (distant communication) recorded at Tsimbazaza
sonagram of snd 26.7
alarm calls, intensity low
sonagram of snd Basfx.4
alarm calls, intensity moderate recorded at Tsimbazaza, Nov 1967
sonagram of snd 22.1
alarm calls, intensity moderate. Provoked by imitating call of bird-of-prey recorded at Berenty
sonagram of snd 54.b
alarm calls, intensity strong recorded at Berenty
sonagram of snd 54.1
sonagram of snd 54.8a
contact-rejection calls, expressing aggression recorded at Tsimbazaza
detail of sonagram of snd 26.4
sonagram of above sound