all species
at Ankara special reserve
at zoo in Timbazaza, Antananarivo
at Ankarana de Diego
boxing, at zoo in Timbazaza, Antananarivo
territorial calls, intensity of calls low (distant communication)
sonagram of snd 6.5
territorial call, intensity of call moderate (distant communication) recorded at Saharafa, Jan 1966
sonagram of snd 20.1a
territorial call, intensity of call moderate to high (distant communication) recorded at Saharafa, Jan 1966
sonagram of snd 20.1h
territorial calls, intensity of calls high (distant communication) recorded at Saharafa, Jan 1966
sonagram of snd 20.1c
territorial calls high, intensity of grunting high (distant communication) recorded at Analamera
sonagram of snd 61.4